"Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall."
— Jimmy Buffett, the man, the myth, the legend


Who doesn’t stop in their tracks when they hear Jimmy’s ode to the ocean? Imagine you’re a professor in the largest college lecture hall, asking who can relate to those lyrics. Hands would shoot up from every corner of the room, whether the students are introverts, teacher’s pets, casual learners, or those pursuing multiple degrees. As human beings, we are naturally drawn to water—whether it’s the ocean, a lake, a pool, or a simple pond. Water enhances life. Water sustains life. Water is life.

When Allison Bishop Berner set out to give back to her community and support those in need, she knew her vision had to revolve around water. She had seen firsthand how her son Brooks, who struggles with depression, found renewed energy and peace after spending time in the ocean, whether surfing or simply being near the water. Allison herself has always drawn comfort from the water, whether diving, swimming, paddleboarding, or surfing. She understands the transformative magic that being near water can offer.

Sober now for 11 years, Allison had her own battles with alcoholism and saw firsthand the devastation Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can cause to individuals and families. Through her studies, she recognized that those with mental health issues were also underserved in her South Florida community. With a deep understanding of the healing powers of the ocean—both from her personal experience and through research into the evidence-based benefits of water and surf therapy—Allison founded Stoked on Life Palm Beach (SOL). This  nonprofit organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life for those affected by SUD and mental health issues through experiential, water-based therapy. Starting next month, SOL will begin serving police officers, firefighters, and other first responders to help them cope with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Allison volunteers her time full-time as CEO and Lead Clinical Director.

According to the Stoked on Life website, Ocean and Surf Therapy is an evidence-based experiential therapy that has been shown to improve overall mental health, increase happiness, and lead to positive behavioral changes. Surf therapy is an intervention that combines the therapeutic elements of the ocean with mindfulness and the adventure of surfing to enhance both physical and mental well-being. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased mindfulness

  • Improved self-efficacy

  • Activation of “flow state”

  • Reduced cravings

  • Alleviated anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms

  • Improved sleep

  • Enhanced cognitive concentration

I recently joined SOL on the beach in Jupiter, FL, where Allison led a therapy session for a group recovering from SUD. Her team included Aquatic Director David Fielding, and Aquatic Associates Jack Petricig, Zach Bucolo, and Merina Ingram, who also serves as the nonprofit's Outreach Director.

From the moment the session started, the positivity was palpable, and the stories shared were deeply authentic. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. Allison explained to me, “Our groups are clinical therapeutic groups, not summer camp. Even our volunteers undergo a three-hour trauma volunteer training to support the mental health and substance use disorder clients.”

Much of the treatment is based on Blue Mind Therapy (BMT), an experiential approach developed by the late Wallace J. Nichols (known as “J” to friends and colleagues). BMT explores the positive reaction of the human mind to water. According to BMT, "Blue Mind" is a mildly meditative state people experience when they are near, in, under, or on water. Water positively affects the brain and body, and Blue Mind Theory provides the scientific evidence for this state of water-associated peace.

So impressed was Allison with BMT that she reached out to J, and together they developed the “Blue Mind Curriculum,” which she will teach online this September. This 12-week course, the first of its kind, will split tuition fees between SOL and J’s Blue Mind Movement nonprofit to enhance the mission of the NFPs.  Allison has co-authored the research aspect of the study with Dr. Heather Howard of Florida Atlantic University, further advancing the legitimacy of BMT to the medical world. 

A key concept of BMT is the "Bluescription," which is essentially a prescription to be near the water to enjoy its therapeutic and healing qualities, then perhaps take a dip or catch a wave with the aid of an Aquatic Associate. While currently a conceptual idea in the United States, the Bluescription is a reality in countries like the UK, France, and Australia, where it is funded by their respective governments. Allison's teaching of the Blue Mind Curriculum in the US is a significant step towards having it published, making it evidence-based and potentially recognized as a formal therapeutic intervention in the US.

Central to the curriculum is the healing and therapeutic quality of water. According to BMT:

“There are many ways that water and the color blue can provide mental and physical health benefits:

  • Water increases neurotransmitters like dopamine (the feel-good hormone), serotonin (the happiness hormone), and oxytocin (the love hormone) while decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone).

  • Water brings us into the present moment, fostering mindfulness, which increases problem-solving and creativity.”

The excitement around the Blue Mind Curriculum is growing. The International Surf Therapy Organization’s (ISTO) 2024 Global Summit, taking place from September 25-29 in Manhattan Beach, will feature Allison and her team presenting the Blue Mind Curriculum. The summit will include two days of collaboration with the Blue Mind Summit.

When I spoke to ISTO CEO Kris Primacio recently, she expressed her excitement about having Allison and her team share the Blue Mind Curriculum at the event. Kris and ISTO have been instrumental in supporting SOL and other surf therapy organizations, witnessing significant growth in surf therapy over the past few years. Elected CEO in 2018, Kris has seen ISTO grow from its first conference with just a handful of attendees to next month’s event, which will welcome hundreds. Last year, ISTO helped over 130 organizations across six continents.

Reflecting on my experience with the SOL team, I was struck by the profound catharsis each participant experienced as they shared their stories by the vast blue ocean. The session included us jumping in the ocean and splashing around, as well as grabbing our surfboards and riding a couple of bumps on the flattish sea.  In that moment, I realized that this was not just therapy near the ocean; the ocean itself was a crucial part of the therapy. Although I’ve always enjoyed being near water, I may have had my own epiphany that day. Blue Mind Therapy is something that can genuinely help and heal people. The evidence is undeniable. Whenever I speak to someone in need, I’ll be sure to recommend a "Bluescription."